How to give Story points to a Story/Task/Subtask in Agile Methodology

 Story points are a unit of measure used in agile software development to estimate the effort or complexity of a user story or a task. They help teams in planning and forecasting the work that can be accomplished within a sprint. Here's a general approach to give story points in a sprint:

1. Understand the Scale: Define a scale for assigning story points, such as the Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc.) or a modified Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, etc.). The scale should represent increasing levels of effort or complexity.

2. Gather the Team: Bring together the development team and any stakeholders involved in the estimation process. It's important to have diverse perspectives and knowledge to get accurate estimations.

3. Review User Stories: Review the user stories or tasks that need to be estimated. Each user story should represent a discrete unit of work that can be completed within a sprint.

4. Discuss and Clarify: Have a discussion about each user story to ensure everyone has a clear understanding of the requirements and scope. Discuss any potential risks, dependencies, or complexities associated with the story.

5. Compare and Relate: Compare the user story being estimated to previously completed user stories, using them as a reference point. Consider the relative effort or complexity compared to stories already completed. This comparative approach helps in maintaining consistency in estimation.

6. Vote or Consensus: Each team member independently assigns story points to the user story, using the agreed-upon scale. Once everyone has made their estimation, reveal the assigned points simultaneously. If there is a significant discrepancy in estimations, discuss the reasons behind the differences and work towards reaching a consensus.

7. Repeat for All User Stories: Go through the estimation process for all the user stories or tasks planned for the sprint.

8. Refine and Adjust: As the team gains more experience and understanding of the work, it's common to refine and adjust the initial estimates. Revisit and re-estimate stories that have been completed previously to improve accuracy.

Remember, story points are not meant to be an absolute measure of time. They represent the team's collective understanding of the effort or complexity involved. Over time, the team can calibrate their estimations based on their actual velocity (the number of story points completed in previous sprints) to improve accuracy and predictability.


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